By: Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora

Founder of JURIDAI = JURIDical + AI

We explain the general principles of law regarding artificial intelligence (AI)

The following important video explains some Latin (legal) maxims.

It is determinant to understand that the knowledge of law is the way to have clarity on how rights and duties exist and can be applied, for instance, regarding artificial intelligence (AI).

When this knowledge is applied there is the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties (that is, the exercise of rights and duties).

Therefore, more than maxims about how to handle a case in Court, the elements of the (whole of the) law must be applied to comply with (what is defined in) the law from the beginning of each situation in which there are rights and duties (and the maxims/conditions/requirements of law define the way to do it).

That is the way to make good artificial intelligence (AI).

Video link:

* These are our legal teaching services to explain to groups/teams/organizations the general principles of law regarding artificial intelligence (AI) so that they know how rights and duties exist to AI – JURIDAI.