By Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora
Founder of APL Academy of Philosophy of Law
The following enlightening video communicates the importance of the interpretation of law.
It is determinant to be aware that clarity is something in permanent evolution.
Nevertheless, the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties in each legal relationship must exist.
Therefore, clarity permits better ways to exercise rights and duties (that is, optimized ways for the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties).
Still, each human being must comply with the law in each legal relationship according to what is diligent in each circumstance.
Another thing is that when clarity evolves it increases the simplicity to comply with (what is defined in) the law -as a whole-.
This is why legal certainty (only) exists when there is the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties.
In conclusion, legal certainty is the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties existence (it is the certainty that exists when rights and duties are exercised -is the certainty of the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties existence that exist when there is the application of the whole defined in the law; this is why rights and duties only exist when there is the knowledge and application of the law, as a whole; that is, the knowledge/clarity and, clear, application of what is defined in the whole of the law, that is, in the law as a whole-).
Video link: