By: Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora

Founder of JURIDAI – In-house Legal Training on General Principles of Law Regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The following video shows some risks/challenges/rights/duties/impacts related to artificial intelligence. This permits awareness of the importance of making Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketing based on the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties. Since there must exist the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties regarding AI Marketing. As it is the way of well-being existence face to AI Marketing. This is why each AI Marketing must exist in a legally optimized way (that is, in a way in which the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties exist in the most effective possible way). To the extent of each situation related to AI Marketing. This is why at LOAIM we offer in-house training for marketing teams on Legal Optimization of AI Marketing (these are our services). This video is useful to understand the importance of the said Legal Optimization of AI Marketing – LOAIM:

* Video link: