By Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora
Founder of APL Academy of Philosophy of Law
The following video presents a very important analysis on/of the Philosophy of Law and Legal Validity.
It is necessary to keep in mind that Law (as a whole) is about Good.
Law is/are the conditions/requirements/characteristics for the existence of Good.
Therefore, Law is not about a moral/morality based on concepts of Good and Bad defined through elements distinct to the elements of rights and duties existence.
This is why Good is everything necessary for rights and duties effectiveness and Bad is everything that makes the inexistence of rights and duties effectiveness.
Properly, Good is everything that permits life. Good is everything based on the requirements for the existence of life and, properly, is every condition of life’s existence.
This is why rights and duties are every condition for life to exist.
The above creates the following conclusion: Legal Validity is Good, it is everything related to Good; legal validity is/are all the (set/whole of) conditions for Good to exist.
Something is legally valid when is (something) Good.
For instance, Freedom is (something) Legally Valid/Good when it is based on the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties (that is, when it is a consequence of compliance with -the whole of what is defined in- the law -as a whole-; compliance with the law -only- exists when there is the enjoyment of -all- the rights and fulfillment of -all- the duties -a right or/and, a, duty can, only, be exercised when there is the exercise/application of, what is defined regarding, each/every right and duties, that is, when there is the exercise of, all, the rights and duties-).
This is why a Good Lawyer is the one who detects/deciphers/clarifies/promotes/applies Good (that is, is the one who permits the evolution of law; is the one who evolves law; is the one who evolves the world; is the one who simplifies Good’s form of existence; is the one that makes effectiveness/evolution/good) -this is the video link: