JURÍDIA – Good practices in-house training for optimizing commercial marketing projects’ effectiveness


  • Keep in mind that law does not mean any norm but the whole of what is defined in it (in law, that is, in the legal must be).‎
  • Never forget that both legally valid theory and practice are necessary to comply with what is defined in the law.‎
  • Remember that, in short, it is about the legally valid action (that is, the action – the conduct, the behavior – that exists in a harmonious way with what is defined in the law).‎
  • Always consider your own and others’ legal rights and duties, but focus on complying with the way in which the law applies to you in each situation (related – in some way – to you).‎
  • ‎Enjoy the effect of the fulfillment of the law (that is, enjoy the form of existence that exists when rights are enjoyed and legal duties are fulfilled, that is, be free, legally).