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Legal AI deciphering (law) service -LAIDS- www.juridia.co

Law as a whole -the whole of law as a whole-; properly, The Law (this is the only indicator, the rest are explanations/parts/derivations/effects of it)What is defined in the law as a wholeApplication or non-application of what is defined in the law as a wholeCompliance with the lawKnowledge of how to apply what is defined in the law
Foundations of law (legal foundations -principles and rules [that is, norms] of the law’s form of existence-)Conditions-Requirements/(validity) characteristics defined in the lawUnderstanding or not understanding of the lawKnowledge on how to apply what is defined in the lawKnowledge of how enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties exist
Legal diligenceBehavior that complies (behavior’s way of existence to comply) with the lawActing diligently or with faultEnjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties existence regarding the/each diligent person/humanEnjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties by the/each diligent person and allowance of the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties existence for/by others if they act diligently
Legal validityCoincidence between the facts and what is defined in the lawCoincidence or inconsistency existenceHarmony between the legal must-be and the facts governed by itEnjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties
Legal certaintyClear enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties existenceCertainty or uncertainty about the compliance with the law existenceClarity on how to apply what is defined in the law and its application (clear application of the law) that gives clarity on how to enjoy rights and fulfill duties thanks to knowing how enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties exist tailored to the/an/each situation and its applicationCertainty that the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties exist (in -inside, regarding- a situation)
Legal effectivenessEnjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties existenceExistence or inexistence of the enjoyment of rights and, correspondingly-correlatively, (the) fulfillment of dutiesCompliance with (what is defined in) the law -as a whole-Existence of the quality of life that exists when there is the enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties (that is when compliance with the law exists)
Specific rights and dutiesDelimitation (clear dimension) of each right and dutyApplication or non-application of the/each right and dutyExercise or non-exercise of the/each right and dutyExistence based on the application of what is defined in the law (that is existence of the form of existence that exists when there is the exercise of rights and duties, that is when there is the application of the conditions defined in the law a whole)
Gap between the facts’ way of existence and what is defined in the lawUnconformity between what is defined in the law and the way of existence of the AI involvedDetection of the coincidence or lack of compliance with (what is defined in) the law regarding the AI involvedNon-compliance with the law regarding the AI involvedNon-enjoyment of rights and non-fulfillment of duties facing the AI involved
Good practices to apply what is defined in the law regarding the AI involvedWays to comply with (what is defined in) the law -as a whole- regarding the AI involvedFacts showing that those ways called “good/best practices” -in fact- (are ways to) comply with the law — properly, facts’ way of existence showing [permitting to show diligently-validly] that through those ways there is the compliance with the law (that is permitting demonstrate -permitting to proof- that through that way [proofing that through those ways] compliance with the law exists) — regarding the AI involved (that is regarding the AI’s way of existence)Legally valid self-regulation (that is behaving in a way that complies with the law thanks to the existence and application of good practices, that is due to the existence of legally valid/diligent-certain-effective-compliant practices) regarding the AI involvedEnjoyment of rights and fulfillment of duties regarding the good practices’ way/form-scope of existence facing the AI involved
This is Our Legal Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deciphering Service to know how to make good/legally valid AI! Available Universally!