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Legal Training for Legal Teams / Legal Departments / Organizational Legal Areas (Teams of Lawyers) on the Legal Validity (The Legal Foundations) of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We do not explain laws, we explain/clarify legal foundations (the foundations of law)

We explain/clarify the law (as a whole), in relation to AI!

To Legal Teams (Composed of Junior, Regular, and/or Senior Lawyers) Specialized or Not Specialized in This Field

More than 15 years of experience

Description: service to train the legal team (team of lawyers) of an organization (institution/company/law firm/body/entity/association/federation/organization) of the private or public sector located anywhere in the world with Internet access.


1) Introduction to the foundations of law (legal foundations) in relation to artificial intelligence, A.I. (criterion of law -legal criteria-, form -of the existence- of -legal- rights and duties, legally valid self-regulation, application of law and compliance with the law in relation to artificial intelligence, legally valid evidence/proof, national, foreign and international contexts, legal clarity -clarity about the law, about the foundations of law, the legal foundations; that is, clarity about the legal must be, that is, the duty to be legal – in relation to artificial intelligence, foundations for legally valid automation, and legal foundations for diligent management of artificial intelligence projects).

2) Methodology to make a legally valid artificial intelligence (legal validity of artificial intelligence).

3) Legal foundations for algorithms.

4) Legal foundations for legal diligence regarding information security, privacy, and the handling (management, treatment, processing, control, protection) of (personal and non-personal) in relation to artificial intelligence.

5) Legal foundations for telecommunication in relation to artificial intelligence.

6) Foundations for the legal management of communication (digital content, documents, advertising, legally valid self-regulation information/policies/agreements, non-informative communication) in relation to artificial intelligence.

7) Legal foundations for work automation in relation to artificial intelligence.

8) Legal foundations for the procurement (contracting), use, and administration/management of artificial intelligence in the private and public sectors (duties and rights of the producer/offeror, user, and administrator/manager -including, and third parties related to the administration/management- of artificial intelligence, i.e. of a product of/about/with artificial intelligence).

9) Legal foundations of intellectual property in relation to artificial intelligence.

10) Legal foundations for project management in relation to artificial intelligence.

11) Role-playing by the legal team on artificial intelligence’s legal validity (legal foundations) tailored to what the organization does.

The professor who gives/teaches the lessons and communicates feedback during the role-play exercise: Our Founder, Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora. Ph.D. in Law, Certified as a Postdoctoral in Law, Magister (LL.M.) in Commercial Law, Master in Law and Information Technology, Master in Telecommunication Law, Lawyer, Researcher, Writer, Lecturer, Innovator, and Creator/Author of a Theory That Clarified the Form of the Legal Validity (that is, The Legal Foundations) of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Author of the following: Books.

Question-and-Answer (Q&A) spaces/sessions: in the final part of each lesson there is a space to ask and answer questions.

Duration/Length and price: 

  • 11 hours (each item of the agenda lasts 1 hour). Super special launching price: 1500 United States of America (US) dollars (USD) taxes included.

Schedule: it is defined with the contracting organization before starting.

Language: English.

Medium: via the Internet through the Google Meet platform.

Face-to-face (in-person) training option: the price of each option (22 hours and 44 hours) is double that indicated for the online option and, if it is in a city other than where JURÍDIA is located (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), the contracting organization must assume the trip’s expenses.

Certification/Certificate: Both the contracting organization and each of the lawyers attending the training will be sent a certificate of completion of the JURÍDIA training to their email account on the day the training ends.

Training’s creator/author: our Founder, Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora, Ph.D. in Law, Certified as a Postdoctoral in Law, Magister (LL.M.) in Commercial Law, Master in Law and Information Technology, Master in Telecommunication Law, Lawyer, Researcher, Writer, Lecturer, Innovator, and Creator/Author of a Theory That Clarified the Form of the Legal Validity of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Author of the following: Books.

About the Trainer: the trainer has a high level (high knowledge/high training and experience) in this subject and a passion for teaching it in a simple, yet rigorous way.

Contact email account: [email protected].

How to hire it: buying the service through the following PayPal button (when we receive the notification from PayPal about the payment we will contact you to coordinate everything):

Please tell us your organization