Worldwide Seminar on Legal Advertising Legalities – LEGADLLY

November 28, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Toronto (Ontario, Canada) time.

For any interested person – Worldwide

About LEGADLLY: we educate on how to legally do legal advertising (advertising of traditional and/or LegalTech legal services). With us, people know how to legally define, advertise, and provide a legal service (traditional and/or LegalTech legal services)!

Why are we necessary, different, and valuable? We research, clarify, and explain the legal foundations and legal-specific details that legally permit legal advertising.

Obtained value: you will know the general criteria on how to legally offer traditional, legal technology (legaltech), and hybrid legal services so that legal advertising will be effective since it will be based on a legally valid quality service and legally valid communication.

Agenda and length:

  1. How legal advertising exists legally (45 minutes).
  2. How traditional legal services advertising exists legally (45 minutes).
  3. How legaltech services/products advertising exists legally (45 minutes).
  4. Legally valid quality of private and public sector legal services/products in the traditional and digital media convergence (45 minutes).

Modality: Online through Zoom Webinars.

Price: 150 CAD (Canadian dollars) taxes included.

Professor: Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora. Certified as Postdoctoral in Law by the University of Bologna, Italy (the oldest university in the world and determinant for the universal legal development) with an essay on the legal validity of personalization regarding commercial digital advertising (book derived from that study), Ph.D. in Law (recognized in Canada) with a thesis on legal effectiveness regarding commercial digital advertising, being one of its parts realized in doctoral research stay at the Legal Research Institute from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM (book derived from that study), Magister in Commercial Law with a thesis on consumer protection regarding electronic commerce (e-commerce) based on artificial intelligence (AI) possibilities and the legal rigor (book derived from that study), Master in Law and Information Technology (IT), Master in Telecommunications Law, Lawyer, Author of several Books on the Universal Legal Foundation Regarding Advertising, Researcher, Scholar on the Foundation of Law, Jury for the First Global Awards for Effective Advertising Self-Regulation Organized by the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation (ICAS) and Founder of LEGADLLY Legal Advertising Legally.

Certificate: attendees will receive a personalized certificate of attendance in their email accounts.

Contact: [email protected].