Legal Training on Advertising – Legadlly

Legal Advertising by Legally Aware People (Individuals/Organizations)!

Legal Training on Advertising – Legadlly

Available Worldwide

Who is it for? Any (individual) person or (public or private sector) organization with Internet access anywhere in the world who wants to hire our training. We legally perfect people (organizations/individuals) regarding advertising!

Benefit: people are legally perfected/refined on how rights and duties apply effectively regarding advertising to know how to make, interact with, or control advertising (in a valid/diligent/good/legal way).

Methodology: (online, live) presentation of texts, images, videos, and oral messages from the trainer explaining the topics, discussion with the attendees, permanent feedback from the trainer, role-play to specify how rights and duties can be effective regarding an imaginary advertising, and question and answer spaces.

Price per hour: 500 CAD (Canadian Dollars) taxes included.


  1. Foundations of law regarding advertising (cause, content, effect, parties, clarity on how law applies to advertising).
  2. Legalities of digital advertising (law in digital media, privacy, data processing -including, profiling/personalization-, information security, automation -artificial intelligence-, business promotion in the market, intellectual property, contracting, public sector control, private sector control, specification -legal relationship existing regarding advertising-).
  3. Legal principles of commercial digital advertising (business and consumer rights and duties before commercial digital advertising, responsibility of workers and providers before commercial digital advertising, diligent business management concerning commercial digital advertising, importance of legal training on commercial digital advertising, legal compliance -self-regulation- methodology for commercial digital advertising and its national/foreign/international/global/total impact).
  4. Rights and duties regarding advertising (rights and duties on information, quality, contextualization, foreseeability, responsibility, advertising piece creation, communication, understanding, operation, and fulfillment).
  5. Role-play on the legality of advertising (about diligence, compliance, risk management, transparency, trustworthy advertising, responsible advertising, and advertising legal effectiveness).

Duration: it can be a minimum of one hour and there is no maximum of hours, you can choose/buy the number of training hours you decide.

When does it take place? The schedule is defined between the (individual) person or organization contracting the training and Legadlly once contracted/paid.

Trainer: Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora. A postdoctoral (from the University of Bologna, Italy; the oldest University in the world) and Ph.D. in law (recognized in Canada) regarding commercial digital advertising, LL.M. (magister) in commercial law, master in law and information technology, master of telecommunications law, lawyer, author of several legal/law books, researcher, scholar in legal foundations (foundations of law), jury for the first global awards for effective advertising self-regulation organized by the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation (ICAS), and founder of Legadlly (legal training on advertising, worldwide).

Certification: each attendee will receive a certificate of attendance certificate upon completion of the training.

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Legal Training on Advertising – Legadlly