
What do we do?

Legal training on advertising. We legally perfect people regarding advertising!

Legal Advertising by Legally Aware People (Individuals/Organizations)!

The (individual) person or (private or public sector) organization that hires the training will understand how rights and duties can be applied effectively regarding advertising.

Therefore, the one who hires our training will know how to make, interact with, and control advertising validly/diligently (that is, in a good way).

Through our training, people know how advertising exists with legal effectiveness!



Derecho - Jurídia




Organizations and individuals perfect their legal knowledge on advertising with us!

At Legadlly we act worldwide thanks to the Internet. Organizations and individuals can hire our training anywhere in the world with Internet access. Everyone can become legally skillful regarding advertising!

Legal Advertising by Legally Aware People (Individuals/Organizations)!

We are registered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Business Identification Number (BIN): 1000258746.

Our founder

Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora

Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora

Founder of Legadlly

Ph.D. in Law and certified as a Postdoctoral in Law, He clarified The General Principles of Law (The Legal Foundations).

Founder of Legadlly, Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora created the company with the intention of combining his two great passions, teaching and well-being.

To spread his/her knowledge on how to achieve a better world.


Legal Training on Advertising – Legadlly

How do we want to be known? What will be our legacy?


To be the leading company in the decipherment/clarification-simplification of how the foundations of law (the legal foundations) exist/apply/can be effective regarding advertising (ad).


To improve the world with the decipherment/clarification-explanation-simplification of what are, which are, and how can be effectively applied the rights and duties before advertising (Ad).

– Easiness
– Clarity
– Simplification
– Well-being
– Integrality

What do we offer?


We show how the Legal Foundations apply to Advertising (Ad)