JURÍDIA – Good practices in-house training for optimizing commercial marketing projects’ effectiveness


Our Preventive Consumer Law in Digital Advertising Legal Theory © consists in that every digital business advertisement communicated to a consumer is valid. This is achieved if each case meets the following (according to its formal and material variables):

1. Ensure that the applicable regulations are met according to the type of advertising involved.

2. Define if the advertising will communicate without informing (ie without transmitting certain, objective and verifiable messages) or if it will communicate and inform, and if it is valid that it only communicates or if it must communicate and inform.

3. Generate a valid language agreement with the consumer, that is: that receives, perceives and understands validly both the merely communicative messages and the informative communicative messages.

In the theory, validity is when the case is harmonic with the norms that apply to it and that harmony makes those norms materialize in the case.