
Claridad jurídica sobre la inteligencia artificial (IA)

At Legally we explain to you as our organizational or individual customer how to make, interact with, and control advertising diligently (legally/validly) – Worldwide

At Legally we explain to you as our organizational or individual customer how to make, interact with, and control advertising diligently (legally/validly) – Worldwide

At Legally we explain to you as our organizational or individual customer how to make, interact with, and control advertising diligently (legally/validly) – Worldwide

Must the marketplace provider respond (is responsible -even liable-) for the advertising in its platform? – Legadlly

Must the marketplace provider respond (is responsible -even liable-) for the advertising in its platform? – Legadlly

Legal responsibility accountability diligence compliance of marketplace marketplaces provider providers regarding ad – Legadlly legal training on advertising ad law

Does an environmentally friendly product statement in an ad signify that the product accomplishes it? – Legadlly

Does an environmentally friendly product statement in an ad signify that the product accomplishes it? – Legadlly

Does an environmentally friendly product statement in an ad signify that the product accomplishes it? – Legadlly Legadlly Legal Training on Advertising Ad regarding the law rights and duties


Damos claridad sobre la Validez, Eficacia y Seguridad Jurídica en relación con la Inteligencia Artificial